Ana Ivanovic's Wimbledon dress has been unveiled. She will wear adidas’ Women's adilibria Dress. I think it's simple and it's nice.
"Considering the strict rules they have regarding all-white at Wimbledon, it's difficult to create a new look each year, but adidas have again done a great job of designing something that is both comfortable and stylish. I think it's a very feminine look and I'm going to enjoy wearing it in London." Ana said.
It's also available in pink and it can be bought in both colors for £37.99 at PRO-DIRECT.
The pink one is her USO dress. I think they both are nice, as long as she doesn't wear those hideous leggings.
It doesn't look so bad to me, those leggings, I think it's OK. And who knows what will weather be like in London. Maybe it will be cold so she'll have to wear it.
And I really like the pink one. It's simple but so nice.