Q. How polished a performance do you think that was?
ANDY MURRAY: It was good. I didn't hit the ball that clean at the start. It was pretty windy. The court was a little bit damp. Then I started to serve better. It was very different conditions than the first couple of matches. It was a lot slower.
And, you know, once I got into the match I felt much more comfortable. I think he maybe had one breakpoint in the match on my serve, so it was very solid.
Q. Stanislas Wawrinka told us you're quite good friends. Can you talk a little bit about your relationship with him.
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, we get on well. I practice with him a lot, you know, before tournaments. I speak to him in the locker room quite a lot.
I mean, we don't go out for dinner with each other and stuff. But, no, I get on well with him. He's a very nice guy.
Q. How would you sum up your first week here? Has it gone even better than you might have expected?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, I mean, all I wanted to do is win the matches. I didn't care how badly or how well I played. You know, I was very happy I won the three matches. You know, wish or hope that I can keep it going next week 'cause, you know, my performances were pretty solid.
Q. Is it special having a guy like Chris Hoy in the Royal Box watching you?
ANDY MURRAY: I met him afterwards. You know, which was nice. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of great sportsmen and women, you know, watching today. You know, to get the chance to sort of play in front of them is always nice.
Yeah, got the chance to meet him afterwards. And, you know, obviously a fellow Scot. He's a very, very successful guy. I didn't really know whether to call him sir and stuff. I didn't know how that works. I think I called him Chris, but anyway.
Q. Was he complimentary afterwards?
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, no, just congratulated me on my win. I said, Thanks for the support. Asked him what he was up to. You know, that was it. I was in a bit of a rush to sort of get, you know, warmed down and whatnot. I didn't speak to him for that long.
But, yeah, just congratulated me on the way I played and wished me luck for the rest of the tournament.
Q. There was a suggestion that your mum left halfway through the game after a disagreement with somebody in the crowd. Have you spoken to her? Can you shed any light on that?
ANDY MURRAY: I would have thought if my mum left she probably went to watch my brother. I can't imagine she would have left for any other reason. Typical, people trying to make stories out of stuff. She went to watch my brother to show that, you know, it's not just about me, I guess. So would have been nothing to do with her arguing with anyone. My mum doesn't do that.
Q. It goes up a whole level obviously next week. Do you feel you've been stretched and tested to the right extent?
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, well, I mean, the first match was tough. I had some difficult moments and managed to come through them. But, yeah, the matches get tougher. You know, I've served very well so far. You know, against tougher opposition, that's going to be even more important.
No, I think that, you know, I'm able to raise my game to the quality of the opponent and the sort of situation. You know, I'll try and do that as best as I can on Monday.
Q. Were you worried it was starting to rain at the end?
ANDY MURRAY: I obviously wanted to finish the match as quickly as possible. It would have been a nice bit of history, I guess, the first match to play under the roof. You know, I wasn't that worried by it. I enjoy playing indoors.
But, yeah, when it's sort of right at the end of the match, once it started to come down, you know, a little bit heavier, it was sort of 5‑3 in the third set. So, you know, obviously wanted to finish it before the rain came.
Q. We expected you to go second on court. You were on third. Did you want third?
ANDY MURRAY: I was not really bothered. It doesn't make a huge difference. You know, the shadow on the court, you know, if the sun's out, you know, is difficult around 4:00, 5:00. Whether you're playing second or third, it's going to be difficult.
But doesn't bother me what time I play.
Q. I think there were 24 Olympic champions there today. Is that a humbling experience, and did you get to meet any of the others afterwards?
ANDY MURRAY: No, just Chris Hoy. No, I saw at the end, you know, there was ‑‑ I saw Kelly Holmes, Matthew Pinsent, and Jonathan Edwards there.
No, like I said earlier, it was great to get the chance to sort of play in front of ‑‑ well, that's pretty much the greatest athletes that the UK have had over the sort of last 15, 20 years. So, yeah, it was nice to get that opportunity.
Q. Can you talk about Stan's game on Monday, what you're going to be looking out for.
ANDY MURRAY: Well, he's very solid all‑court player. You know, he's got a solid serve. He moves well, is good off the baseline. He doesn't come to the net too much. But when he does, I mean, he won the Olympic gold doubles, so he can obviously volley reasonably well.
He does everything good. He doesn't have one shot in particular that's, you know, a huge weakness. I'm going to have to play a tough match to beat him.
Q. You're playing so well. There's going to be a huge ramping up of expectations next week. Do you have a strategy for dealing with that, you and your team?
ANDY MURRAY: No, 'cause, I mean, the expectation for me is I'm gonna try my best to win the tournament. But it's the people that sort of are in the media, are in the press, and the people that read it are the ones that, you know, see the expectation getting bigger or greater or, you know, how my performances have been going, whatnot.
You know, I spend time with, you know, my team to get me ready for all of the matches, and I try and do the same routine that I do for, you know, every match, and don't, just because it's Wimbledon, try and do anything differently or whatever.
It's just, you know, one of those things you have to get used to dealing with. Hasn't troubled me this week. I'd be very surprised if it did next week.
Q. Do you feel different this year in terms of how the first week has gone?
ANDY MURRAY: Uhm, well, I mean, I was slightly more comfortable this year than last year. But, you know, I think I only dropped one set in the first week last year, as well. I mean, I don't mind whether ‑‑ you know, at the US Open I came through some very difficult matches early in the tournament, and I managed to get to the final there.
It's just about winning the matches. I don't feel any different to how I did, you know, at this stage last year. You just try and win a match every couple of days, and that's, you know, really the goal. I don't think anything different.
Q. You've been responsible for the most addictive game during Wimbledon 2009, matching players with different foods. You've had Lleyton Chewit, Vania King Size Mars Bar, but has anyone come up with a name for you this year?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, it's sort of snacks, so it's quite difficult. I guess there's some pretty obvious ones, which I don't really need to share. It's pretty obvious what they are.
No, there's not really been any good ones or ones that have sort of passed.
Q. What's your favorite one?
ANDY MURRAY: It wasn't really one of the best ones, but just made me laugh. It was Juan Martin Del Potro Popcorn. It doesn't really work that well, but I just liked that one.
Q. What's your favorite one for your name?
ANDY MURRAY: We haven't really had any. I mean, there's none that have really passed, like I said. I mean, Murray Mints was the only one that could kind of work, but it's so old.
Q. Your game sometimes involves covering a lot of the court. How different do you find that on grass compared with clay or hard? And do you like it better?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, the thing is, the points are shorter on the grass, so it doesn't really matter that much. I guess on the clay it takes a little bit more out of you physically. But on the grass, you know, you can play one really long point and you can be three aces in a row; whereas on clay, you can play one really long point followed by two or three more.
On the grass, it's not really ‑‑ doesn't really make a huge, huge difference 'cause there's not really sort of three, four, five long points in a row.
Q. You state really clearly this year you want to win the tournament. Is this also kind of a strategy? You could also keep the ball low and say, I don't want to make the pressure bigger by stating that you want to win the tournament. You're making the pressure even bigger. This is also a strategy?
ANDY MURRAY: No. I said at every tournament I play I go in with the mentality that I'm gonna win the tournament. I think if you don't, then when you get into a winning position, you know, you get nervous or you're not sort of expecting it. You know, sometimes that can, I don't know, get to you mentally.
I think if you go into every match believing you can win and giving it your best shot, then, you know, you're not gonna be totally shocked if you get to that position where you're serving for the match or whatever.
But I don't feel like I put any extra pressure on myself for this tournament than any other one.
Q. You obviously do play up to the last ball. Is there any point at which you know you've won or lost a match?
ANDY MURRAY: If you're serving and you got, you know, three match points, especially on sort of a grass court, you feel very confident you're going to close out of match.
But when you go a couple of sets and a break up, you can think to yourself maybe you're gonna sort of try some things out. You know, but you never ‑‑ I saw a little bit of Federer's match yesterday. You know, he's two sets to love up and 4‑Love up, if you try a few things or lose your concentration or think you finished the match, the guys are so good now, you try not to let them back in. So you just try and stay as focused as possible.
Q. Do you know yet how you'll be spending tomorrow?
ANDY MURRAY: Same as every other day off. I'll come and practice around 12:00, 12:30 for an hour, hour and a half, and then see my physio, have an ice bath, and just get some food down me, recover as best as possible to get ready for Monday.
Q. You said you watched some of Roger's match yesterday. How closely do you pay attention to the others in the draw, your rivals in this kind of championship?
ANDY MURRAY: I don't follow it that closely, you know what's going on in the draw, you know, who's playing who. But you just try and focus on your own matches. If I'm watching the TV, you know, and Federer's playing or Hewitt or whoever it is, you know, I'll watch the match, like pretty much every other player in the locker room does.
But, you know, you try and stay as focused on your own game as possible.
Q. You told us before the tournament started that you got a few DVDs in to sort of relax in front of. Can you give us a clue of what you've been watching in your off time?
ANDY MURRAY: I haven't watched any DVDs. I've been watching a little bit of Big Brother, sadly, but kind of losing interest in that by the day.
But because ‑‑ I mean, I'm not going to be back ‑‑ it's 9:00. I'm not going to be back until 10:15, 10:30. I'll watch a little bit of the tennis highlights and then go on to bed. So I'll be finishing late, unfortunately.
Q. Are you a rugby fan? Will you be watching a rerun of the Lions at all?
ANDY MURRAY: I watched a little bit in the locker room. I'm not a huge rugby fan. I don't really understand the rules that well. But I saw, was watching it in the locker room beforehand. Tim was actually in there. James Blake and Mardy Fish were in there telling us that American football was a much better version.
But, yeah, it was a bit disappointing the way it ended.
Q. Was that Tim Henman you're talking about?
Q. Did you invite him in, or what was he doing there?
ANDY MURRAY: He's allowed in on his own right into the locker room. And, no, he was just there. He was doing my match. So it was just before, 45 minutes, an hour or so before I went on. He knows a lot of guys from when he played. I guess it's just normal that he went in to probably say hi to a few of them and watch the rugby on the TV.
Q. Tim said on the Jonathan Ross show that it's definitely still Henman Hill. Is that something you'd agree with?
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah. I'm not really that fussed with what it's called. Tim obviously did great here for seven, eight years in a row. So, yeah, it deserves to be called Henman Hill. I'm sure it will be that for a long time.
Q. When you practice with someone regularly, as you do with Stan, does it change your approach to a match? Does it make it easier or harder because you're so familiar with each other's game?
ANDY MURRAY: It doesn't change anything for me. I try ‑‑ I think when you go on the court you're there to compete, regardless of whether you're friends or not. Doesn't change really the way you go into the match.
You kind of know each other's games a little bit better than, you know, you might know some of the others that you don't hit with and you don't see around that much.
But won't make a difference on Monday, I don't think.
Q. With everybody else talking about it, do you ever at any moment find yourself drifting towards thinking about Federer versus Murray next Sunday?
ANDY MURRAY: No. I mean, I'd obviously love to get to the final. But, you know, still a lot of tennis to be played. Like I say, you think about it more three, four months before the tournament starts. When it comes, it's not what I'm thinking about. I'll be concentrating on Stan and, you know, trying to get through the next match.
(via www.wimbledon.org, photo/Getty Images)

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